Both the Secretary of the Interior and the Director of the National Park Service have mandated youth programs as a high priority, calling for an increase in employment opportunities for youth in the Bureau by 60% this fiscal year. They have also directed the NPS to engage youth in resource and energy conservation efforts.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Reflection - The End

As part of our two-day visit to Baltimore, one of the most impressive sites we visited was Fort McHenry National Monument - the turning point in the War of 1812 (or so our History books say). We were able to learn about the fort's history as well as get a tour of the fort. The park ranger was rather humorous during the tour and repeatedly told one person in the group that "you're standing where a bomb went off." After the tour we were shown the construction site of the new LEED certified Visitor's Center. The park employee spoke about the many ways that they are using green technology. He informed us of how much the solar cells saved them each month. It heartens me to see alternative energy in action.
Monday and Tuesday were spent preparing for our presentation of everything we've done to present to the Regional Office staff. Our presentation will include a general overview of our time, the public outreach days, and information on alternative energy methods.
Also, I I will present information on Wind Energy and included facts like: Denmark generates roughly 19% of its power from wind energy, new inventions that have reduced noise and improved efficiency, and that 70% of people either like or don't mind the sight of the wind turbines. It really makes me wonder why we haven't invested more in this form of energy instead of pouring more money into non-renewable energy.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Reflection - My YCC Experience
I also visit places I never been like Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site (I did not even know that it existed), Elmwood Park Zoo, and Fort McHenry National Monument and Hampton National Historic Site in Baltimore (that’s was my first time going to Baltimore and the furthest I have been out of Philly).
I have become acquainted with new people and I have worked on my communication skills. I learned stuff about American history I did not know; like how it is not proven that Betsy Ross actually sewn the original American Flag and that Fort McHenry is a French designed fort and that there are many like it across the world.
Finally, I have seen a lot of wildlife, plenty of deer, hawks, and groundhogs; however I have to say that the visit to the Elmwood Park Zoo was exciting. They have animals I have never seen before like porcupine, foxes, wolves, a bald eagle, and vultures (all the vulture excepts one was local and just seemly enjoyed being in the park's displays).
I had a good time this summer. It has been a experience that I won't forget.
Khalid Hamilton
Reflection - My Favorite Part

So far, my favorite part of the program was when we went with the installers from ECA. We actually used what we learned in training and got to see how everything worked. In the training center we talked about blowing in insulation but never actually saw how it worked or did it ourselves. But going with the installers, we had a chance to physically used the machines and experience what it was like to do that kind of work. The workers I was assigned to educated us how everything works. We didn’t just follow them around but we were involved in the project. I wish we had another day of going with them because it was fun and I learned a lot.
Second Week of Training Recap

On Tuesday, we worked with Marco in the Philadelphia ECA site. He taught us methods for glass cutting, window repair and replacement, insulation installation in both crawl spaces and attics, and saw zaw cutting. Not only did we learn these methods, but we practiced and exercised them as well.
On Wednesday we split up, that is, our group of six primarily went off individually with different installation teams from ECA to learn and help physically retrofit homes in the Philadelphia area. For the first time in our training, we were able to see and often do the work that helps homes become more energy efficient. Personally, I saw my crew put spray insulation in the attic, foam cracks in the basement, caulk windows, replace windows, and I myself replaced a window in one of the homes we visited. Similarly, the following day we went off with ECA Energy auditors and performed, depending on the jobs of the crews either audits or inspections, and saw what work was done before and after installation and overall how ECA actually makes physical and important changes in the surrounding communities.
On Friday, we worked with Dawn from ECA at Valley Forge, reviewed how we can perform audits and installation, and later visited both the Ranger Station and looked for any weatherization work that we could do, and wrote everything down in preparation for the future work during the week we would work at Valley Forge.
Reflection - A Few of My Favorite Things

Saturday, August 14, 2010
It has not been all work and no fun!

Hopewell Furnace NHS known as an 'iron plantation' was in opertation from 1771-1883.
The crew heard stories of industrial development, technology, community, craftsmanship, and natural resources that together changed America.

The crew saw the most potent symbols of individual freedom, Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. How exciting to have the opportunity to tour three square blocks in the City of Philadelphia where the dream of a free country of independent citizens became fact.

Friday, August 13, 2010
Gett'n dirty
The work days always makes me nervous. What if the caulk won't stick? What if we run out of foam? What if someone knocks over a beam and the whole place comes tumbling down? Sure, these thoughts may not make any sense but they are there. I am happy to report that the day was catastrophe free. We had the pleasure of working at:
The Kosciusko's House (aka The K. House): The home of dutch colonial Kosciusko and a memorial to all his accomplishments.
The Draft House or Declaration House: site of where Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence.
The Poe House: Home of Edger Allen Poe and his family
It was a hot and slightly chaotic day but the maintenance staff were amazingly helpful to us. Especially (shout out warning) Ray Fossett the Facility Manager. They could not have been better to us.
Independence N.H.P.
This week we are here at Independence National Historic Park. A completely different experience then the other parks we have worked at. Other then the tourists, traffic, buildings and noise it is also full of some of the most important historic buildings in our nation. This fact alone makes the work here much different.
The first day consisted of an orientation to the park and all it offers, which turned out to be much more then any of us expected. This fact was very exciting to Khalid.
The second day we got into the building we will be working on and did our visual weatherization audit. Due to the historic significance of the buildings there were some restrictions on what we could do, but still there was plenty to get done.
The third day was all about outreach. Now you might assume that a park that gets millions of people in it during per year would lead to throngs of visitors flocking to your humble info table. But it turns out that the kind of visitors to this park are much different then Valley Forge so we had to settle with around 200 for the day. There were good conversations though and as always Philadelphia provided a number of interesting characters.
We are looking forward to the rest of the week now and getting into what is referred to as the K. House, The Draft House: where Jefferson drafted the declaration of independence, and the Poe House: Home of Edger Allan Poe.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
America's Great Outdoors - Listening Session
- Jay Jensen, Deputy Under Secretary of Natural Resources and Environment, USDA
- Robert Stanton, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Interior
- Will Shafroth, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Fish & Wildlife & Parks (DOI)
- Dan Wenk, Deputy Director of the National Park Service (DOI)
After the informational sessions, we - that is to say several hundred youth employees/volunteers - broke up into "focus groups."
Each group was tasked with discussing the most effective ways that the government could improve attendance and overall quality of National Historical Parks and Sites. The group I attended decided that the three best ways would be to:
1. Better incorporate National Parks into education, via annual field trips in public schools, so that people would get a better appreciation for the parks.
2. Sponsor an informative documentary that would appear before movies in theatres. While people go to see their favorite shows, they would get a glimpse of what a national park has to offer and even if they didn't end up going, the interest might be passed on to their friends and families.
3. Widespread pamphlets to the general public that provide information on nearby parks and what could be done there. This would increase the number of visitors if more people actually knew that the parks existed. (I saw several parks in PA that I'd never even heard of at the presentation slideshow.)
After all was said and done, one speaker from each of the six youth groups would stand and present the ideas at a podium where they'd be recorded and sent to the president. I was one of those six speakers. When you get up to speak before a recording that's going to the president, you definitely feel humbled.
Insulation gaps? I don't see no insulation gaps?
The training has ended. Two weeks of classroom learning, hands on practice and observing the pros have culminated in working on the buildings at Hopewell Furnace NHS on our own.
This is a beautiful park. With amazing scenery and facinating history everywhere. It is definately a place that I will come back to. Many of the utility buildings are another story though. Cracks and gaps, holes and rats, from an energy conservation perspective could use some help (the rats are an exageration for the sake of a good rhyme).
We quickly dug in with applying caulk, foam board and two part foam. We worked to make the 5 buildings we were assigned as efficient for cooling and heating as possible. It was hot and hard but good work. As is the case with most of these kinds of projects it is good to see the fruits of your labors at the end of the day.
Recap of Training - Week 1

The first week of training began in a traffic jam. Actually, Dan, our instructor, got stuck in one on the first day but nonetheless successfully arrived and introduced the six of us to the theories and practices of a process known as weatherization.
Although the physical training was held (for the first two days) in Valley Forge NHP, the instructors, Dan and Louis, for Monday and Tuesday respectively, and all others to come were based out of ECA, the Energy Coordination Agency, Philadelphia sector.
Dan explained that weatherization is a method by which homes and buildings can be retrofitted so that they are more energy efficient, and therefore save more money. In doing so, he also covered how thermal and air boundaries can cause a home to be leaky and inefficient when not properly sealed and tight.
Louis described the dangers that we may encounter when performing energy audits or installing and improving structures: asbestos, mold, lead, and more.
Later those two days, we first did visual audits on Valley Forge NHP buildings and then, on the next day, pointed out the obvious dangers in those buildings.
In the latter half of the week, we spent each day at the Philadelphia site, ECA, where we continued to do workshops but also received PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and suited up in goggles, gloves, masks, hard hats, and practiced using caulk and two-part foam, both of which we would use later in the field. We also learned about the use of a blower door in an audit, and had practice utilizing them.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Valley Forge NHP, Thomas House Basement Weatherization Audit Highlights

Water is seeping through the basement window that is covered with plywood causing mold spores.

Challenges of Weatherizing Historic Structures
Nathan speaks on the challenges of weatherizing historic structures.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Nathan and John at Valley Forge NHP.
Khalid and Kelsey at Hopewell Furnace NHS.

Crew at Valley Forge NHP

The crew at Independence NHP

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Insulation Project at Valley Forge NHP
Energy Conservation Corps members Nathan and Dennis speaking about the insulation project at Valley Forge NHP.