On Tuesday, we worked with Marco in the Philadelphia ECA site. He taught us methods for glass cutting, window repair and replacement, insulation installation in both crawl spaces and attics, and saw zaw cutting. Not only did we learn these methods, but we practiced and exercised them as well.
On Wednesday we split up, that is, our group of six primarily went off individually with different installation teams from ECA to learn and help physically retrofit homes in the Philadelphia area. For the first time in our training, we were able to see and often do the work that helps homes become more energy efficient. Personally, I saw my crew put spray insulation in the attic, foam cracks in the basement, caulk windows, replace windows, and I myself replaced a window in one of the homes we visited. Similarly, the following day we went off with ECA Energy auditors and performed, depending on the jobs of the crews either audits or inspections, and saw what work was done before and after installation and overall how ECA actually makes physical and important changes in the surrounding communities.
On Friday, we worked with Dawn from ECA at Valley Forge, reviewed how we can perform audits and installation, and later visited both the Ranger Station and looked for any weatherization work that we could do, and wrote everything down in preparation for the future work during the week we would work at Valley Forge.
I forgot to mention that on Monday of this week I accidentally left my notebook, with notes on the house from that day, in the home of the Auditor. Luckily, she contacted ECA and they were able to return it to me.