The training has ended. Two weeks of classroom learning, hands on practice and observing the pros have culminated in working on the buildings at Hopewell Furnace NHS on our own.
This is a beautiful park. With amazing scenery and facinating history everywhere. It is definately a place that I will come back to. Many of the utility buildings are another story though. Cracks and gaps, holes and rats, from an energy conservation perspective could use some help (the rats are an exageration for the sake of a good rhyme).
We quickly dug in with applying caulk, foam board and two part foam. We worked to make the 5 buildings we were assigned as efficient for cooling and heating as possible. It was hot and hard but good work. As is the case with most of these kinds of projects it is good to see the fruits of your labors at the end of the day.
I think you meant "mounds of caulk" not "mouds"